New Member Registration

  • Personal Information

    This form is an introduction as well as an application, so we ask for more than basic information. Our members are spread out over different programs and campuses and can't always meet in person. The information you post here will be shared across the membership. Thank you for you interest in our club!
  • 150x150px is a good size, but larger is fine. JPG or PNG format, please. This should be a professional head and shoulders portrait that people can recognize you by if they meet you in person.
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • This is your opportunity to introduce yourself to your fellow club members. Keep it brief and fun.
  • UConn Details

  • Please ONLY use your UConn email account.
  • Choose as many campuses you attend on a regular basis.
  • Note: We currently can only accept School of Business program members in leadership positions due to our funding source. Thank you for your understanding.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.